IVP Latina provides access to top notch qualitative and quantitative data collection infrastructure, among others:

  • Central recruitment and interviewing hub in Mexico City, equipped with 2 interviewing rooms for groups and in-depth interviews

  • FocusVision streaming for qualitative projects

  • Access to research facilities in Bogota, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Guatemala City, Lima, Mexico City, Monterrey, Panama City, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago de Chile, San Salvador, Sao Paolo, and others upon request

  • High specialty senior moderators and experienced interviewers

  • Qualified translators and transcribers

  • One-call, multi-lingual, streamlined project management for the entire region

  • Project execution in compliance to international market research codices as ESOMAR and MRA and to industry standards in terms of AE reporting


IVP Latina
Río Rhin 22 desp. 204
Col. Cuauhtémoc
6500, México D. F.

+52 (0)55 5592-0572
+52 (0)55 35-0141

Thanks again for all your hard work on this project, things always seem to run so smoothly when you are in charge!

Thank you for completing all interviews and doing such a great job in moderating and implementing everything.

Thank you so much for the great work and support throughout the year as usual!

I really appreciate your great communication on this project – I don’t think we would have done it if it wasn’t for your promptness and amazing cooperation.

It was a great pleasure to work with you on this project. I will be happy to reach out to you again when another project comes up.

Thanks to the team for their usual great work on this study.

Also from me a big fat thank you! The content analysis which we received from you was excellent!

You (and your team) have really done a great job making complex fieldwork seamless and our clients have been very happy so far. Appreciate your support as I know you went above and beyond to ensure everything ran smoothly.

I was confident you could pull this off, please send my gratitude to the whole team!

I wanted to take the time and thank you for all the fantastic work you did on this project. We were all thoroughly impressed with the speed and quality of your work.

I want to also thank you for your partnership on this project. You have been so helpful and our whole team really appreciated all the work you’ve put into the project. You’ve made Brazil the easiest market for us!

I appreciate all your help and the great job you did. It was a pleasure working with you.

Well another very busy week done and a happy client today at the de-brief which makes it all worthwhile! Really appreciate all of yours and your team’s hard work on these very fast turnaround surveys.

Wow, those are awesome news, thanks for the great recruitment job you’ve done.


We are looking forward to hearing from you!